It was mid-August and I was a “shiny new curate,” sermon in hand and ready to preach all my theological learnings to throngs of thousands. As I walked out of the sacristy I thought I had landed on the wrong planet. The church was at best a quarter full. Where was this thriving, growing congregation I had signed up for?

I immediately went to the all-knowing rector and grIlled, “where are the people?”  A big grin came on his face as he said, “they’re at the lake.” And so began my first lesson in parish ministry.

The reality is all of God’s creation has it’s seasons. You can try to resist them or you can open yourself to embrace the Holy rhythm. Summer time for many of us is a sabbath time. A time to rest, recreate and re-create. Fall one the other hand seems to be a time of new beginnings. Schools start, faith communities welcome back all those who have been to “the lake,” and then there is football.

My hope and prayer Is that you have had the opportunity for some sabbath time this summer. My hope and prayer is also that you are open to the change of season that is upon us.  For the season is clearly changing and the new Holy rhythm has much in store for us as the Episcopal Church in Minnesota!

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