For as in one body we have many members…

I have taken every opportunity over the last fourteen months to describe in graphic form the Episcopal Church in Minnesota as we reclaim our biblical and historical identity as the missional Church.

In this regard our faith communities are at the center. As many of you are aware we have been intentional about using the words faith communities rather than congregations. While we have close to 110 congregations, we also have schools, community organizations, retreat centers and housing for seniors. All of these entities, both congregations and affiliate organizations, are the Episcopal Church in Minnesota in their culture and context.

We have also focused on building greater and greater collaboration and resource sharing. In that spirit, or more appropriately in the Holy Sprit, this week for the first time we gathered the leaders of each of our affiliate organizations for conversation.

Our dialogue was very engaging with significant interest in exploring a wide range of possibilities for deepening connections and living more fully as the Episcopal Church in Minnesota.

Just as it was for the faithful in Rome,

“For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ” (Romans 12:4-5)

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